My View on ME3 Ending (Archived)

So I know this is months old, but I just wanted to share my thoughts on the Mass Effect 3 ending, and also archive my thoughts on the game so maybe I could come back to them later. This was orginally posted as a topic on the forums on Giantbomb. Anyway, enjoy :)

So I just finished Mass Effect 3 literally a few hours ago...and I have no idea why everyone is freaking out about this ending. My ending consisted of me choosing the "control" option and then the relays blow up and the Normandy crashes on a planet. I for one actually like that my personal Shepard died because I thought it was a good way to go. I am going to go back and replay the end and pick the destroy all synthetic life ending to see how that plays out as well (i was not able to choose synthesis), but I have no idea why everyone is freaking out. I will admit that the shit with Shepard chasing that kid throughout the whole game was kind of stupid, and the fact that the kid was "the thing that controlled everything" at the end was lame and there was maybe a more clever way to handle that whole thing. Although, the fact that perhaps the "being" was simply using an image from Shepard's mind to project itself in a way Shepard could easily understand in his diminished state is not all that far fetched and I will accept that. I also just read the whole "indoctrination theory" and that sounds pretty cool, but even if that is not the true meaning that Bioware put in the ending, I still see no reason why this ending is all that bad. And after watching the synthesis and destroy options on youtube, I see no reason for the uproar. I like the endings. There were probably some things that could have made the ending better, but I see no reason why this deserves an insane internet freak out.

In the end, the reapers were created by some other more powerful being (keep in mind that this whole story only takes place in one galaxy, so the possibility of a being of that power is definitely possible since we have no perspective on what lies beyond that specific galaxy) in order to keep organic life on a controlled level because if organics are let alone, their advancement will eventually lead to the extinction of organic life by synthetics. This is the same sort of story as something like the matrix or terminator movies where artificial intelligence eventually will conquer organic life. This being, perhaps from another galaxy, knows this to be true (presumably because it has witnessed this occur in it's galaxy or another) so it has put forth this cycle to let organic life keep on its track. Shepard has, like in the matrix, finally beaten the cycle by making it to the point that no other life in the cycle has. Like the prothean said a few times in the game, each cycle they get closer to the goal. The being sees that the cycle can continue no longer because even if it is to use the reapers to defeat organic life in this current cycle, it will not be long until organics advance to the point where the reapers will be defeated, and it will no longer have control over the outcome of the battle between synthetic and organic life. It then knows that crucible must finally be used to extinguish (or so it hopes), the struggle between synthetics and organics. It admits at the end that it cannot foresee the future of what will happen within each choice because this being is not a God. Therefore, the peace it is referring to in the synthesis option is the fact that the reapers will stop the fighting, and there will no longer be the struggle between synthetic and organic life that the cycle is there to protect because the two versions of life will be one in the same. This being has not implemented this option itself, though, because it does not know the outcome in the future which is why it wanted to keep the cycle with the reapers going as long as it saw possible.

Then, the player has these choices:

1. Merge synthetic and organic life making every living being one in the same which may have unforeseen consequences but solves the problem nevertheless

2. Destroy all technology hoping that with organics at the current evolved state they will not be as reckless and ignorant about the effects technological advancement can have, therefore, putting the organic life at such an advantage over synthetic life that synthetic life will either A. Never come to pass B. Never get to the point of domination over organics or C. Organics will use their knowledge of technology to achieve what would be synthesis on their own.

or (what is probably the most reckless choice) 3. Shepard becomes part of/takes control of the Reapers and uses their technology (as the illusive man foresaw) to make organics extremely powerful. They can use this technology to make sure the synthetics never overtake organics, or to eventually achieve synthesis.

This is basically my interpretation of the ending, and I find it kind of cool. I feel as though anyone who is truly up in arms about the ending of this game is either just being childish, has not tried to dissect the ending, or is completely mad about something different that I missed. I'd like to know why you think my theory about the end meaning is wrong/stupid, why you are actually mad about the ending and what you found so horrible, or if you agree with me and actually like the ending.

To clarify, the reason I am writing my thoughts and have these theories is because I have been searching and searching for someone that actually has a well thought out criticism of the ending and I have not found it on any website or in any video. I have simply seen people just complaining with no real substance, and I want to see if (after reading my thoughts) someone can actually give me a detailed breakdown of why they disliked it.

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